Electric Aggregation

Aggregation is Back!

Ashmore has once again teamed up with other local communities to negotiate a great electric rate for our residents!
 - If you receive a letter, you will be enrolled automatically UNLESS you choose to opt out.
 - If you do NOT want to be enrolled, use the pre-paid yellow postcard to opt out.
 - If you do NOT receive a letter but you want to be in this aggregation program with the rest of the community, then you can call Homefield at 1-866-694-1262 to get switched over.
 - Commercial accounts and certain residential accounts that have received financial assistance / subsidies do not qualify.
 - If you are not sure who your supplier is, you can call Ameren customer service at 1-800-755-5000.

What is Aggregation?

Your electricity will always be delivered and billed by Ameren, but as a consumer you have the right to choose who supplies that electricity to Ameren. Choosing a different supplier will affect how much you pay for the electricity you use.
Ashmore has teamed up with several area communities (and rural Coles County), and we negotiated on your behalf so that HOMEFIELD ENERGY will be that supplier. We do this because electricity suppliers can be confusing, and because some supplier companies can be misleading, and because we want you to have the best rate possible. However, you still have a right to get your electricity supply from anyone you want, so if you prefer NOT to get it from Homefield, then that's okay too. Simply opt out using the yellow postcard or by calling 1-866-694-1262.
Why are we automatically included unless we Opt Out? Why can't we be left alone and then choose to Opt In if we want to?

This is an honest question, and one we have been asked already. (Interestingly, the question was posed by someone who does not live within our Village, but it was a good enough question that we have decided to address it.)

The answer is threefold:

1) Because who has time to do the research on their own?

Diving into the world of electric rates can be confusing and time consuming. There are SO many suppliers to choose from, and it's difficult to determine which companies are ethical and which ones are out to take advantage of unsuspecting citizens. The legitimate companies lock in a good rate and strive to provide good rates for their clients for years to come. Other less-than-legit companies promise an enticing rate in the beginning but it's "variable." It changes to an exorbitant rate where they profit at your expense.

As representatives of the Village and your neighbors, we sincerely believe that the negotiated rate is the best deal and the most responsible decision for our community's households. Plus, Ashmore does not get any type of "kickback" or financial benefit for doing business with Homefield Energy. The Village does not gain by choosing your provider. We simply want to provide the best deal possible for our people.

2) The more people who enroll means more negotiating power.

We can only get this optimal rate because we bring the whole community. This is also why we team up with so many other geographic populations. Tiny ol' Ashmore doesn't have the negotiating power on its own, but when we team up with Charleston, Mattoon, Effingham, Coles County, and other communities, we are able to bring some "oomph" to the negotiating table.
Homefield Energy knows that each of our households have the right to Opt Out, but the reality is that most people won't. As such, we all benefit because we are banded together.

By all means, this is NOT meant to shame or convince anyone into staying in the program if your desire is to Opt Out. If your gut tells you to choose a different supplier, then please do. Our rates are locked in now, and you choosing a different supplier will NOT "ruin it" for your neighbors. We emphasize: You have the right to choose your supplier. We're simply trying to make it easier on you. We revert back to reason #1 above.

3) Because we took a vote (literally!), and this is what our people wanted.

The election ballot on November 6, 2012 included the decision to join or not to join with the aggregation group for optimal electrical rates. Ashmore voters responded 246 to 64 in favor of being included with the aggregated rates.

IN SUMMARY, by doing the research and making the decision for you, and then NOT requiring you to do anything to benefit from it, we make it as easy as possible for you to come out ahead. In doing so, we are also not limiting your right to choose. You can easily Opt Out and make the decision for yourself too.

Please keep in mind, if you opt out of the aggregation program, there is no fee or penalty for doing so. (In fact, NO supplier can legally charge you a penalty for cancelling your supply and switching to someone else.) However, if you opt out, you cannot opt back in to the aggregation program for 12 months. Ameren changes their price twice a year: a summer rate and a non-summer rate. So, if you opt out for the summer rate (hypothetically speaking), then you cannot opt back in for the non-summer rate a few months later.

Current Aggregation Terms

In February 2024, Ashmore Village and Township residents received a letter about the newest aggregation terms, and the letter included some confusing language, specifically the dates / time frames. The agreement is that Homefield will supply the electricity for 20 months (April through December 2025). However, that time period is split into 3 smaller periods.
PERIOD 1: The rate disclosed in this letter will be effective only until this June (2024).
PERIOD 2: Starting in June 2024 until June 2025, a new rate will take over, and this too is a rate that has been negotiated and locked in. It cannot be completely disclosed until a "capacity" cost can be calculated closer to time, which is added to the base rate that the group locked in. Another letter will be mailed later with that rate disclosed.
PERIOD 3: Then from June 2025 until December 2025, a new rate will take over. It will be the same base rate that was negotiated for Period 2 but with a new "capacity cost."
Please also keep in mind that these are the same rates and terms that have been negotiated for the rest of the Aggregation group, including Charleston, Mattoon, Oakland, Coles County, Effingham, Lovington, Neoga, Paris, and additional small communities represented by the Coles County Regional Planning office.
If you have more questions about how aggregation works or who is currently supplying the electricity for your personal Ameren account, you can call Ameren at 1-800-755-5000, Homefield at 1-866-694-1262, or the Village of Ashmore, Municipal Office at 349-8332.

Want to Know More?

Ameren Illinois has a wealth of information and resources on their website. We couldn't possibly replicate all their information here, so we will gladly encourage you to visit their site at .
Here are a few quick links that you might find useful:
A list of Electricity Suppliers who are registered with Ameren: 
Please note, this list of suppliers does not necessarily mean Ameren vouches for their business practices or their ethics. It simply means that they are able to supply the electricity to Ameren to deliver to you.


photo of envelope from Homefield
aggregation terms photo of letter